Risk Management | Collin Riddle

The Risk Management Chair regulates and ensures the safety of all social events of the chapter. He is responsible for any events put on by the chapter, working with the Social Chair to ensure events fall within Furman and Pi Kappa Phi policies.

Contact Collin at riddma9@furman.edu


Philanthropy | Cooper Pope

The Philanthropy Chair keeps track of all fundraising activities and events put on by the chapter. He is responsible for planning a major fundraising event every year as well as working with the newest Associate Member class to raise money for The Ability Experience.

Contact Cooper at popema9@furman.edu


Scholarship | Jeff Mclane

The Scholarship Chair works with the Warden and New Member Educator to keep track of the grades of the brothers. He is also in charge of working with the newest Associate Member class to help them learn the lessons prepared by the New Member Educator.

Contact Jeff at mclaje0@furman.edu

STandards | Charlie Swiersz

The Standards Chair is responsible for setting, maintaining, and upholding the ideals pertaining to the individual conduct, behavior, and discipline of brothers, collectively or individually, as it pertains to the Chapter. He presides over all Standards cases and works with the Executive Board to regulate the chapter.

Contact Charlie at swiech9@furman.edu

New member Education | Gran kennedy

The New Member Educator works alongside the Warden to implement the Associate Member process. He is responsible for preparing lessons — ranging from chapter history and fraternity structure to proper etiquette — for the Associates and reporting the pledge class’ progress to the Warden.

Contact Gran at kenngr9@furman.edu